Thursday, August 14, 2008


Ever stopped and really thought about how you live your life?

Do you feel like you are truly living a Christian life. Over the last couple of weeks I've been thinking about the amazing sacrifice Jesus made for us and how little i am willing to give up for him. 
Also the incredible sacrifices Christians in other parts of the world like China make as a part of their daily lives. When i really stop and think about these sacrifices it makes my life seem pretty insignificant with the things I ask God for e.g.. the right car, help finding a better job etc. 

I've also been thinking about the sacrifices I have made, and there haven't been many. In fact none that i can count as significant... Given the sacrifices Jesus Christ the son of GOD and other Christians endure what right do i have to complain when I'm given the bad job at work or even my job. I mean hey I'm working full-time at McDonald's and still in the richest 20%  of the world life cant be that bad.

Given this i think it is time for all of us as Christians to give a little more and ask a little less of others, to be willing to sacrifice what we have for others and not just be Christians for the life insurance plan. This applies to everyone, especially me.


Stephen said...

Welcome to underland! Good post man, I had no idea you had a serious side too, haha.

Miss Elizabeth said...

Welcome to galactic conquest...our voyage is about to begin. well written buddo!

Love is a Blindfolded Marathon said...

In response to Jon "thank you, and neither"

In response to Jase " Galactic conquest began 3 standard moons ago. The voyage is not about to begin for it began the day life was breathed into ye for the first time oh brethren"

Rachel Kate said...

great post :) i don't have anything funny to say right now... more riveting conversations coming your way at a pizza hut near you in a town on the other side of the world. i'll meet you halfway

PaisleyJade said...

Awesome post! Very thought provoking stuff.

Symon said...

Welcome to blogland! Keep them coming buddy...

Symon said...

Great post by the way!